Client: Messer Construction
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Job Type: Overhead Protection
Scaffold Type: Frame Scaffolding and Custom Truss System
Christ Hospital is continual one of the top hospitals in the country receiving varying awards each year. They are set to expand the current Mt. Auburn Campus to include new Orthopaedic and Spine Center, Parking Garage and Materials Management Building.
American Scaffolding, Inc. was selected by Messer Construction to design an overhead protection that would allow people as well as vehicular traffic to continue its normal flow to and from Christ Hospitals Emergency Department and Parking Garage. Challenges included creating a temporary structure that would span over 30’0”, still allow 16’0” of clearance, and have the capacity to support signage and any potential falling hazards. American Scaffolding, Inc. with the help of Universal Manufactures designed a custom truss system that met all the structural guide lines while still being capable of being installed in a timely fashion.